Whitehaven mayor Chris Hayes is urging people to get tested for cancer. 

Mr Hayes was diagnosed with bowel cancer back in 2021 and has recently received the news that he is now cancer-free. 

He is urging everyone, particularly older people, to take the test even if they don't have symptoms as 'it may save your life.' 

Mr Hayes said: "I had no side effects whatsoever and had no inclination that I had bowel cancer at all. I wasn't bleeding, I wasn't doing anything. 

"But every year I get a test sent to me and I thought I would do it right away. I did it on a Monday morning and by Thursday I was at The Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle. 

"I was diagnosed in October 2021, when I went for the colonoscopy. I knew that there was something wrong because they were taking a long time in the waiting room."

The doctors approached Chris and asked if he was on his own. He said that he was and he was then told that he had bowel cancer. 

Chris explained that the health workers were surprised at how calmly he took the news and said that he would do anything that he had to do. 

He was then brought in for an operation at The Cumberland Infirmary and was hospitalised for a week. 

His chemotherapy treatment was then due to start but was postponed due to family matters - and a serious car crash

He continued: "Many people who were in the cancer ward with me at the hospital in Carlisle had taken the same test that I had. 

"In the past few weeks, I went to West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven, and I was given the all-clear."

Chris said that it is a life-or-death situation in some cases - and he added that he has sadly lost two really good friends due to cancer recently. 

"If I hadn't taken this test I might not have been here today. I'd urge everyone out there to please take these tests."