Meet Egg Sheeran - Bookwell School pupils had a cracking time looking after newborn chicks during British Science Week.

Ten eggs were delivered to the school to help students as they learned about the life cycle of animals, including hens.

The whole school science project saw seven chicks hatch, meaning each class has been able to name one - with Egg Sheeran being the favourite choice.

"It has been great watching the children and staff observe the eggs and chicks closely and seeing how quickly the chicks change," said science coordinator Leanne Rae.

"The chicks will be a big miss when they leave us, fortunately we will be able to get regular updates as they are going to live with a member of staff."

Pupils have also spent time learning about the responsibilities that come with looking after animals to ensure they are cared for properly.

The eggs, which arrived in an incubator, came from Living Eggs, a company which takes ready to hatch eggs into primary schools.

British Science Week, which ran from March 10 to March 19, had a theme of 'Change' this year, encouraging young people to think about the changes happening in the world; from seasons and climate, to materials and energy.