WOMEN'S Rugby Team, Arlecdon Rams, have won a competition encouraging teams to snap a picture to call out violence against women and girls (VAWG).

The Competition was launched by local charity Cumbria Family Support, which supports families with children through difficult times and is funded by the Office of the police, fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC) through the Property Fund.  

The competition is being supported by Cumbria Police. The aim of the competition was to spread awareness of violence against women and girls and the work that is being done to combat this across various social media channels.

The team posted a picture to their Facebook to enter the competition and to raise awareness and call out VAWG using the hashtag #CallitOutCumbria.

Their picture was picked by deputy police, fire and crime commissioner (DPFCC) Mike Johnson, Deb Royston, chief officer of Cumbria Family Support, and detective inspector Matt Belshaw from Cumbria Constabulary as the winning team.

As a result of their win, the team will receive a new kit, funded by the OPFCC’s Property Fund, for the following season with the ‘Call it Out Cumbria’ slogan branded it on it. The aim is that the team will carry the message to the wider sporting world and the public as they play.

DPFCC Mike Johnson said: “Congratulations to the Arlecdon Rams for winning the Call it Out competition.

“Their picture showed unity and that really is what being a team is all about.

“Competitions and initiatives such as this are incredibly important as we all need to call out inappropriate and abusive behaviours and attitudes towards women and girls.

“Violence against anyone is unacceptable but women and girls are overwhelmingly more likely to have to deal with some form of abuse at the hands of men – whether it is physical or not."

Deb Royston, chief officer of Cumbria Family Support, said: “It has been a privilege to deliver this project. The winning photo showed unity, shoulder-to-shoulder support, and the importance of support for one another."