RESIDENTS, business owners and people connected to Cleator Moor attended a drop-in event to see the latest plans on four projects designed to help the town thrive into the future.

Each of the projects forms part of the Cleator Moor Town Deal which secured £40.9m in funding in November 2022 - with £22.5m coming from the Government's Towns Fund and a further £18.4m from match funders.

Working alongside the newly formed Cumberland Council, work is underway to ready each of the projects for completion before March 2026.

The drop-in event, held at Cleator Moor Civic Hall on Tuesday, June 27, saw scores of people chat to those involved in developing the projects further while also viewing the latest illustrations available from architects and planners.

Now, a survey is available online to capture views on the Town Deal projects.

It will remain open until Tuesday, July 11 with feedback being used to help project teams take each of the schemes forward.

Bob Metcalfe, chair of the Cleator Moor Town Deal Board, said: "I was really heartened to see a good turn out of people from across the community attend the drop-in session.

"They were interested in the projects and in particular in the finer details that have been developed over the last six months as work has been ongoing.

"We'd intended this event to enable conversations to take place and it was fantastic to see people chatting with the project teams, asking questions and showing such an interest in the bright future ahead for their town."

The four Cleator Moor Town Deal projects are designed to provide a long term boost to levels of health and economic prosperity in Cleator Moor, as well as bringing forward employment opportunities and further inward investment.

Whitehaven News: Cleator Moor Town Deal drop-in sessionCleator Moor Town Deal drop-in session (Image: Cleator Moor Town Deal)

The four projects approved by Government are:

  • Enterprising Town – the redevelopment of the existing Leconfield Industrial Estate to provide employment and training opportunities for residents in Cleator Moor as well as helping to diversify the local economy. The proposal will create new buildings on site including an Enterprise Campus Hub, the refurbishment of existing units and extensive landscaping.
  • Revitalised Town – to increase activity and footfall around the Town Square by bringing vacant and under-utilised buildings back into active use to include a new public services and cultural community hub in refurbished and reconfigured Town Hall and library buildings. There would also be an attractive new public realm featuring planting and a public events space.
  • Healthy Town – To enhance existing sports and leisure provision to create a modern multi-purpose centre including an indoor sports hall, flexible studio space, gym and café and outdoor running track, alongside wider health and well-being provision. This will improve population health and generate more reasons for people to visit and spend time in Cleator Moor.
  • Connected Town – this scheme will deliver a high-quality integrated and sustainable transport network which improves connections between employment, education, amenities and leisure and transforms the accessibility and attractiveness of Cleator Moor. It will also add planting and waymarkers to create a welcoming entrance to the town.

Bob Metcalfe added: "Delivering regeneration is a complicated and lengthy process but one that is rare and filled with long term opportunities for Cleator Moor and its communities.

"My thanks go to everyone who took the time to come along to the drop-in session to find out more about the projects and also to those working so hard behind the scenes to develop them to this next stage."

For more information about Cleator Moor Town Deal, visit: Home - Cleator Moor (

Access the Cleator Moor Town Deal survey is available via the website or here:

Updates are also provided in person at a monthly Cleator Moor Town Deal and iSH Community Meeting, held at Cleator Moor Civic Hall. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, July 20, from 9.30am to 11am. Everyone is welcome to attend.