For today's Nostalgia edition we will be taking a look back at the year 1995.

Almost three decades later it is amazing to see what life in our town was like at this time.

Looking back on these photos it is fantastic to see that there was a great deal going on in Whitehaven at this time and it looks like a truly exciting time to have been alive.

There was also a lot happening across the world too. This was a time when Pixar produced their first ever film which was released by Disney in November, using the Keck telescope in Hawaii, scientists discover the most distant galaxy known to man so far (estimated to be 15 billion light years away), Russian cosmonaut, Valeri Polyakov sets the record for the longest amount of time a person has been in space; completing 366 days and in British football the transfer fee record is broken when Man United sign a £7 million deal, buying striker Andy Cole from Newcastle United.

It was also a time when Super Bowl XXIX was won by the San Francisco 49ers who beat the San Diego Chargers at Joe Robbie Stadium in Miami, Florida and Danny Boyle’s directorial debut, Shallow Grave, starring Ewan McGregor was released in UK cinemas.

As mentioned previously, there was a lot happening here in Whitehaven too. We can see Whitehaven School performing the Mikado, children from the school preparing boxes for Bosnia and their school choir singing Christmas songs on King Street, Whitehaven in aid of Cot Death Monitors.

We can also see the Whitehaven Carnival Queen Rebecca Nann, three photos of Opium Breed playing at Whitehaven's Pop in the Park concert, another photo of young people enjoying the music and the inside of Whitehaven Castle before renovation.