AN extensive Diocese of Carlisle consultation has been launched in support of work to appoint a new Bishop of Carlisle.

Earlier this month, the Rt Rev James Newcome announced he would retire from his role as Diocesan Bishop at the end of August.

As a result, a Vacancy in See Committee has now been convened and has begun the process for discerning and appointing the next Bishop of Carlisle.

Two sub-groups have been created: one a drafting group for a Statement of Needs and a second consultative group.

Five in-person meetings are to be held as part of a diocesan consultation, as well as an online consultation - which people can book on

An online questionnaire has also been published which as many people as possible are encouraged to complete.

The Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh, the Bishop of Penrith and chair of the Vacancy in See Committee, said: “This is a really important opportunity for all those within our churches and indeed our wider communities to feed in their thoughts and feelings as we look to prayerfully discern who God is calling to this role.

READ MORE: The Bishop of Carlisle announces retirement plans come August

"It is a chance for people to let us know what they think are the special qualities that we need to look for in our next bishop and to also highlight the challenges that they feel we need to face up to as congregations, mission communities and as a county over the coming years.

"We are committed to reading all the feedback which in turn will support the drafting of our Statement of Needs, which will give a brief descriptive overview of our diocese and set out the desired profile and qualities of our new Bishop. My prayer is that as many people as possible feel able to feed into this process," he said.