BEN Clements, Aiden Butterworth, and Anthony Harwood were representing their club Cleator Moor ABC in the Manchester Box Cup Tournament. 

All three came out on top in their bouts, finishing the season off with three gold medals to bring back home to Cumbria.

First up was Ben Clements in the under 57kg open class final. After success last year and a gold medal in the 0-6 bout novice category, Ben Clements stepped up this year and was in the open class division.

Ben boxed the far more experienced Mikey Doran of Cheshire in the final who’d had over 40 fights. Ben put on an exceptional performance not losing a round out working his opponent showcasing some terrific skills.

Ben threw some lovely combinations throughout every round both to the body and head and got the win unanimously proving to be too much for his opponent.

This was Ben's first-time boxing in an open class tournament and also Ben's first-time boxing 3-minute rounds.

This didn’t phase Ben in the slightest and pulled off one of his best performances to date. Coach Arron Adair said he was delighted for Ben, all his hard work sacrifice, and dedication in the gym paid off.

Ben's outstanding performance caught the eye of a lot of people in the arena, he’s a credit to me his family, and most of all our club.

To win Gold in an open-class tournament shows the level Ben is at and I couldn’t be any prouder.

Next up was Aiden Butterworth. Aiden boxed in the 0-6 bout under 80kg final against Reuben Kotey from Aldercar ABC.

Aiden boxed well using his height and range outboxing his opponent and comfortably winning all 3 rounds.

Again, winning unanimously and bringing another gold medal back to Cleator Moor. Club coach Des Mattinson said he was proud of Aiden's performance.

He spends a lot of hours in the gym and dedicates a lot of time to boxing, it’s nice to see him win a gold medal and start to get recognised for all his hard work.

Third and finally there was senior boxer Anthony Harwood in the 0-6 bout under 92kg category. Anthony boxed to instruction and put on a brilliant performance after giving his opponent a standing 8 count within 40 seconds Anthony then went on to drop his opponent to the canvas with a cracking right hand in the first round.

The referee waved off the bout with just over a minute gone. Securing our third gold medal of the tournament.

Club coach Dick Newton said he was delighted with Anthony’s performance. He said: "This was the first of many gold medals for Ant and he deserves every bit of success he’s going to get in boxing, and he has the potential to go very far in the sport."