A COMMUNITY group is hoping to improve the grounds of Egremont Castle for visitors. 

Friends of Egremont Castle formed in recent years with the aim of getting residents and schools involved with the preservation of the historic site. 

The group is working alongside Egremont Town Council to voluntarily maintain the area for generations to come. 

Keith Nichol, chair of Friends of Egremont Castle, said: "There was a group that helped to support the castle many years ago, however, it disbanded. 

"We were formed a couple of years ago with the help of Egremont Town Council, and we are looking to support and maintain Egremont Castle with the help of lord and lady Egremont and the Cumbrian Wildlife Trust. 

"We're looking after one of the flower beds as you go into the castle at the main gate which is on the left-hand side. 

The new flower display The new flower display (Image: Friends of Egremont Castle)

"We've also made improvements to the bank area by planting heathers, plants, and wildflowers. 

"Because of the mental health and wellbeing benefits, we've got local children and schools involved, some adults have also been involved. 

"The aim is to try and improve the grounds, to bring the castle back to how it was a few years ago. 

"It's little by little and we're putting on a few events to raise money and the public has been very supportive."

In the past few years, the group has been developing their flower bed with an annual theme. 

There have been arrangements for the Queen's Jubilee the King's Coronation, and most recently the 80th anniversary of D-Day. 

School children help out at the castle School children help out at the castle (Image: Friends of Egremont Castle)

On Thursday, June 6, a service was held at the castle to commemorate the anniversary of D-Day, and the new flower bed arrangement was unveiled to the public that same week. 

Friends of Egremont Castle hope to continue to do this with ideas in place for a VE Day anniversary display in 2025. 

Keith hopes to make the castle grounds look like they did in the 1960s and 70s. 

By getting young people involved he hopes that it will inspire them to continue to care for the grounds in years to come.