A charity which provides a life-saving service for Cumbria has spoken of how grateful it is for receiving tens of thousands of pounds as a donation.

Delegates from the Great North Air Ambulance charity were invited to a charity ball last weekend, organised by construction company HMH Civils Limited.

The business chose two charities to support as part of its celebration of having been in business for ten years.

HMH Civils Limited chose the Great North Air Ambulance (GNAAS), and the Cheesy Waffles Project, a Durham-based charity for people with additional needs, such as learning disabilities, which provides a range of clubs and educational activities.

A spokesperson from GNAAS said: “Grateful is an understatement.

“We didn’t expect to be handed a cheque for a mega £30,000.

“We were totally blown away by the gesture, those funds will save countless lives.”

They thanked HMH Civils Limited for their ‘ongoing support’.