A RECENTLY opened café in Cleator Moor is fulfilling its pledge to serve the community by offering free breakfasts for schoolchildren.

From Tuesday May 14, Hunger Hero in Cleator Moor we will be serving free breakfasts for school children from the hours of 7.30am to 8.30am.

The café which opened at the start of the month will set up a 'breakfast station' within the shop offering toast, spreads and porridge pots, milk, fruit and more.

Hunger Hero said: "Pop in with your child/children and help yourself to a free breakfast for them before they start their day at school"

The new scheme will be first come first serve basis with no pre-ordering. However, the café will be sure to offer plenty on the station "but when it’s gone it’s gone."

Hunger Hero said: "We hope this will help a few parents and children in our community."

The new pledge echoes that of the family-run cafe's first intentions. Linda Connors, 48, said at the time of opening Hunger Hero that they have their sights set on more than just serving good food. Linda said: “We obviously hope it does really well but we are looking at collaborating with Phoenix Enterprise food bank to help people struggle with poverty.”

The new offer has been received greatly by member of the public who have been asking the café if they can support the breakfast club by donating items.

Hunger Hero thanked the kindness of people and reiterated the cohesion the café wants to bring to the area by saying "we would love this to be a real community effort."

If anyone would like to donate, they can drop off the following into the shop or give Hunger Hero a message and they will collect. The items which can be donated are:

  • Cereals
  • Milk
  • Instant porridge pots
  • Cereal bars
  • Bread
  • Jams/chocolate spread etc
  • Fruit
  • Any bowls or containers
  • Disposable spoons (preferably wooden)