MORESBY Women's Institute March meeting included a speech from Hospice at Home West Cumbria, plans for a new recipe book and a bring-and-buy stall.

The meeting started with looking at the federation's Roll of Honour which contains names of members who are no longer with us. Margaret Wallace was a member of Moresby for many years and was a past secretary, and her name has now been added.

Cumbria-Cumberland Federation of Women's Institutes are organising to create a cookery book and has asked members of all the institutes in Cumbria to get involved. Moresby WI asked its members who would like to be included in the book to send in favourite recipes for one to two people.

Avril Done said: "Air fryers have come into their own for cooking smaller amounts so we would like to include instructions in the new book."

The bring-and-buy stall was the first of the year, and is always a popular way of raising funds for the WI, with no exception this time round.

The speaker for the meeting was welcomed by Mrs Norma Lockhart. Mark Sarrington is a volunteer for Hospice at Home west Cumbria, and during his presentation he spoke about the history of hospice, as well as its presence in the area today.