THE owner of a Cumbrian barbers has said it has exceeded what he ever thought it would after reaching its ninth year as a family-run business.

After saving up some money and putting together a business plan, owner Gary Sommerville opened Lad Barber in Egremont in 2015. 

Nine years on, his niece Chloe has progressed from sweeping the floors to managing the shop, while his daughter now does the sweeping, and Gary was keen to pay testament to Chloe's hard work.

Whitehaven News: Chloe has progressed to manager, while Gary's daughter Kellise now sweeps the floorChloe has progressed to manager, while Gary's daughter Kellise now sweeps the floor (Image: Supplied)

He said: "Chloe runs the shop now. The day we opened, she was sweeping the floors aged 14. We've probably had 17 staff over the nine years but she's been the only ever-present. She's only 23 but does a fantastic job.

"It's had its up and downs but it's exceeded what I ever thought it would. Covid happened and obviously we had to stop cutting people's hair, which was a real challenge.

"But we moved onto the new premises across the road, and it's a lot bigger and nicer, and it's done us really well."

Whitehaven News: Outside the Lad BarberOutside the Lad Barber (Image: Supplied)

In the past nine years, the Lad Barber has also been extremely active in the community, sponsoring a wide range of sports teams, and also raising £1,000 for the Henderson Suite at West Cumbria hospital, where cancer patients receive treatment.

Gary added: "I would love to expand. Maybe try and get another shop in Cleator Moor or Whitehaven. But we also want to concentrate on what we've got, because it does really well.

"We're a big community, it's weird being there nine years later. We sponsor a lot of teams, they all come to the shop and then you quickly make your money back, but it's nice. Covid was the biggest challenge but we got by that."

Whitehaven News: Inside the Lad BarberInside the Lad Barber (Image: Supplied)

Gary also paid tribute to his mother, without whom The Lad Barber may never have been a success.

He concluded: "My mum has done a lot. She's got a full time job at Sellafield but she's done so much for the shop and helps out when I'm up in Scotland. This wouldn't have happened without my mum!"