YEAR 9 students from St Benedict’s Catholic High School have recently taken part in their annual World of Work Day.

The day's purpose is to give students an insight into what life will be like after their school education. Lots was happening on the day including speed networking sessions, team building and various talks to inspire the students who will be choosing their GCSE options this year.

Laura McAteer, Head of Year 9 said: “Our students have really enjoyed their experience of WOW Day! It is an extremely beneficial day for them, and gives them an idea of what there is for them in West Cumbria.

"We are very grateful that so many employers gave up their time to come and work with our students.”

Whitehaven News: Team Building with InspiraTeam Building with Inspira (Image: St Benedict's)

Representatives from various backgrounds gave up their time to come and work with the students including Cumbria Fire Service, British Army, Sellafield, Gen2 and lots of other local businesses.

Vicky Ritson from Inspira helped to organise the event. She said: "We are delighted to support this popular annual event once again. It's so important for students choosing GCSE options to learn about local career opportunities and we've had an excellent response from surrounding employers. "

Mrs Kelso, careers lead at St Benedict’s commented: “Year 9 are thinking about their subject options for their GCSE’s, and WOW Day is a great way to help them make decisions about their future career paths.

"It gives them the opportunity to meet people from a range of professions to get a good insight into work life.”

Whitehaven News: Mrs Kelso Careers Lead and Gary Martin Enterprise Advisor at St Benedict'sMrs Kelso Careers Lead and Gary Martin Enterprise Advisor at St Benedict's (Image: St Benedict's)

Kate Wilson, business owner from Business Toolbox Cumbria, was one of the speakers at the event. She said: "It was a joy to talk to the Year 9 students about my career and their next steps. I had asked local business leaders what they would say to their younger self, and really hope that including some of their thoughts will help to give the students confidence to enjoy exploring choices, and to know that it is fine if their path takes a few turns along the way!

“It was a bonus to listen to past Sixth Form students and the current head student talk about their journey so far. If this is the calibre of talent coming through, we have much to feel optimistic about."

The day was of extra importance as the Year 9 students will shortly be choosing their options for GCSEs, this day acts as an insight into the careers they can go into which may impact the subjects they chose to study.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the day and have all fed back that they learned a lot, according to the school.