LOWES Court Gallery, Egremont, is now re-opening following a winter break for redecorating.

The gallery always likes to start the year with a display of local school artwork. This year’s exhibition wall features artworks from Bookwell School, Egremont, and the West Cumbria Home Education Community.

A spokesperson said: "Bookwell primary school pupils have been exploring a wide range of art media to create images that express aspects of the natural world.

"Starting points include the work of textile artists, themes from books, the Northern Lights, and the use of perspective in the landscape.

"Reception Year worked from a story entitled ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy to create their 3-D rocket models using recycled materials.

"West Cumbria Home Education covers a wider age range, but all their work shows a strong aspect of self-expression. Particularly striking is the bold use of vivid colour in their work, each piece making very much an individual statement in its own right."

The school wall is on now and will be on display until February 24, and the gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 1.30pm.