WHITEHAVEN’S Rosehill Theatre has launched a project which aims to unite communities, support well-being, and help to reduce isolation.

The KIND project is led by two community producers and a team of dedicated community creatives delivering a range of projects that blend creative well-being, social prescribing, and community collaboration for the people of Whitehaven and beyond. 

It will support, involve, and enable communities to collaborate with Rosehill Theatre and participate in creative activities such as workshops, events, festivals and drop-in sessions, bringing communities together to celebrate kindness. 

These are supportive and safe spaces to aid everyday wellness and encourage kindness, particularly for communities who face daily challenges and might not have easy access to opportunities on their doorstep.

Rosehill Theatre has partnered with Cumberland Council Social Prescribing teams, Copeland Wellness Service, Together We Can Fundraising and a collective of communities to deliver the project.

Daniel Whitehouse, creative director at Rosehill Theatre, said: “Through the KIND project, Rosehill is committed to delivering more community-based activities across Whitehaven and surrounding areas.

“We have a team of creatives who will be linking up and collaborating with communities and charities locally to provide a range of creative opportunities, particularly for those who do not have regular access to arts and cultural opportunities or face barriers to participation.

“Our KIND events will also provide more free opportunities, bringing people together to celebrate kindness.”

Organisations or charities interested in being part of the programme, should email: lara.schwab@rosehilltheatre.co.uk

If you are a community member and want to participate in one of the projects, please visit The Welcome Hub on Mondays or contact us for more information.