A Whitehaven businessman decided he had to make a difference before he was 40 - and he has done more than that.

Paul Armstrong, 36, who runs the town centre shop Cumbria Tackle and Guns, has raised money for charity for years. A love for a music genre from before his time has really made a huge difference.

"It was before my time, but I really enjoyed the prog-rock band It Bites, with its local frontman Francis Dunnery."

He met the musician and has ended up getting involved in a charity that has raised over £300,000 for children.

Francis Dunnery is a local man now living in the United States where he established his own record company.

He set up a charity in honour of his parents, Charlie and Katherine Dunnery, and returns home every year for fundraising events.

This year's event starts with a dinner and live music in Egremont on Friday 13 followed by a sponsored walk and concert on Saturday.

"I was a member of the RAOB - a charitable organisation. However the local branch is now closed due to a lack of membership but we used to run various fund raising events raising £200 or £300 for local charities.

"One of the things I am proudest of is the calendar I have been producing which has raised around £4,000 for the CKDCF, with other charities benefiting in the years that followed totalling in excess of £10,000"

Paul said he was a member of a photography club which helped with its production.

He said after meeting Francis Dunnery becoming involved with CKDCF was easy.

"His music was before my time - in the 70s. But I liked the music and when I was introduced to him I discovered a man who is so down to earth and whom I now consider to be a friend.

"He really appreciates what is done for the charity and he is very sincere and humbled by the support the charity has been given."

Paul said helping costs him nothing - and this is something he extends to business as well.

"When the mackerel start running I get children into the shop wanting to know how to tie knots and rigs or what to do to catch fish. I like to show them - to teach them. The parents are sometimes concerned that the children are being a bother but they never are."

He said he likes to think out of the box: "There are more interesting ways to go than just from A to B."

He is also motivated by something he once read online, which says if you're not doing something to help others by the time you are 40, you should probably start now.