A WOMAN who uses cannabis to manage the symptoms of a degenerative disease punched a man she had attempted to buy the drug from.

The incident took place on June 9 when Charlotte Hewitt, 32, gave the victim money to buy some drugs. He ‘happily did that’, Workington Magistrates’ Court was told.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said Hewitt had then gone to the victim’s address on Peter Street in Whitehaven and an argument had taken place. Hewitt assaulted the male by punching him twice.

The victim said it ‘all happened very fast’. He said it was ‘unprovoked’ and he didn’t expect it to happen.

Ms Fee said Hewitt had matters on her record for violence in 2020 and had been convicted of racially aggravated common assault in September 2022.

Hewitt, of Croadalla Avenue, Egremont, pleaded guilty to assault by beating.

Simon Walker, defending, said: “Ms Hewitt accepts she had attempted to buy some cannabis from this gentleman.

“This lady suffers from Huntington’s Disease. It’s horrific. It has lots of physical and mental health side effects. Cannabis assists with the tremours and the mental side of the disease.

“She has a record for offences of violence. In my dealings with her, she is very pleasant.

“Symptoms of the disease – they are prone to a lack of control and impulsive actions.

“She moved to Cumbria to get away from things. She likes a quieter, slow pace of life.”

Magistrates imposed a 12-month community order with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement day.

Hewitt was fined £80 and ordered to pay £85 and £114 victim surcharge.