A MAN currently behind bars for breaching a criminal behaviour order has had eight weeks added to his jail term for intimidating a town centre business owner.

Carlo Bone, 38, was sat on a bench with a ‘vulnerable male’ when Gerard Richardson and his wife, Dianne, were walking through Whitehaven town centre on the afternoon of May 18.

Mr Richardson, who knows the male from speaking to him in his shop, said he could tell the male was uncomfortable and made an excuse for him to come and speak with him to leave the situation, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said Bone didn’t seem happy about this and started shouting, ‘he doesn’t want to talk to you, he’s talking to me’.

Bone followed them and was ‘clearly very angry’. He was shouting and swearing. Mr Richardson said it looked as if he was taking photos or video of them on his phone.

Mr Richardson then went to approach police officers who were on patrol in St Nicholas’ Gardens. Bone stepped up to Mr Richardson and flashed £30 at him, saying ‘I have got more money than you or your f****** business’.

The defendant said he was following Mr Richardson to hear what he said to police.

In a statement Mr Richardson described Bone as ‘intimidating’.

He said: “The incident has really frightened me. My lone staff member was afraid. I’m very unwell at this time. The incident has taken it out of me.”

Mrs Richardson said the incident made her ‘feel off’ and she was worried about the vulnerable male.

Bone was arrested and interviewed but gave ‘no comment’ to all questions put to him.

Sean Harkin, defending, said: “There’s not much one can say. He tells me he is using his time in prison constructively.

“He had a problem with drugs and alcohol at the time. He is taking steps to address the reasons for his offending behaviour.”

The court heard that Bone, who appeared via video link, was serving a 12-month custodial sentence and had been due for release on December 23.

Bone, of HMP Northumberland, Morpeth, pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

Magistrates imposed an eight-week prison sentence, to run consecutively to the sentence already given.

A restraining order was also imposed which bans the defendant from contacting Gerard and Dianne Richardson for two years or entering Richardson’s of Whitehaven.

Bone must pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.