A BANNED motorist who drove his girlfriend home after drinking alcohol has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Blake Hardy, 30, was driving a Suzuki Swift on St Bees Road in Whitehaven in the early hours of August 12, when he was stopped by police due to ‘going too fast’, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Hardy provided a breath sample of 59mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit to drive is 35mcg.

Graeme Tindall, prosecuting, said the defendant had a previous conviction for a similar offence and had been disqualified from driving for 40 months in 2021. 

Hardy, of North Row, Kells, Whitehaven, pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle with alcohol level above the limit, driving while disqualified and using a motor vehicle on a road without insurance.

John Cooper, defending, said: “The speed mentioned in the summary is 36mph. That’s the excessive speed. There’s no suggestion of bad driving.

“He had been at his house. His girlfriend had been there with a friend. He had some alcohol but not as much as them. She wanted to get home and he stupidly agreed to give her a lift. It’s a very stupid thing to do.”

Magistrates imposed an eight-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

Hardy must complete 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and a six-month alcohol treatment requirement.

He was disqualified from driving for 48 months, to be reduced by 48 weeks if he completes the drink-drivers’ rehabilitation course.

The defendant was also ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.