A BANNED driver gave police false details ‘because he knew he shouldn’t have been driving’.

Ryan McCarron, 35, was detained by police after driving a Ford Focus on Michael Street in Whitehaven on July 22, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Prosecutor Pamela Fee said McCarron, a disqualified driver with no insurance, gave police false details. He gave four dates of birth and the wrong name.

Checks on the vehicle showed it belonged to a woman who was known to McCarron.

Ms Fee said a drugs wipe carried out on the defendant was positive for cannabis and cocaine but the blood samples were still outstanding.

During police interview, McCarron stated he had been at his friend’s address when he discovered another female’s door had been kicked in.

She was distressed and he went to get her. He said he was pulled over by police on his way back to his address at Peter Street. He said he gave police false details.

McCarron said he told officers an incorrect date of birth because he knew he shouldn’t have been driving the car.

Ms Fee said the defendant had a number of driving convictions on his record and had most recently received a three-year driving disqualification for drug driving.

McCarron, of Peter Street, Whitehaven, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified, using a motor vehicle on a road without insurance and obstructing a police constable in execution of duty.

A charge of taking a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent was withdrawn by the prosecution.

John Cooper, defending, said: “He said he was asked to go and pick someone up who had some violence at their property. The car was taken because of the trouble at the address.

“He is in the Peter Street hostel in Whitehaven. One of the issues they are giving him help with is alcohol.”

McCarron had given his father’s details to police, the court was told.

The case was adjourned to allow the probation service to carry out checks for a possible alcohol treatment programme.

McCarron will be sentenced on August 21.