A WHITEHAVEN care home still ‘requires improvement’ two years after it was given the rating – as inspectors found 'shortfalls with risk'.

Emmaus House Residential Care Home at Moresby was rated as ‘requires improvement’ by the Care Quality Commission in November 2021, when breaches of regulation were identified.

A further inspection carried out in May and June found the provider remained in breach of regulations despite an action plan being completed after the last inspection to show what they would do and by when to improve.

The latest inspection report says: “Although the provider had made some improvements since the last inspection, people were at risk of harm because the provider did not always understand their regulatory responsibilities.

“The provider had not identified issues we found on inspection including with accidents and incidents and risks to people.

“People were at risk of harm as risks to them were not always identified or recorded to guide staff in how to manage these.”

The inspection found no evidence people had been harmed, however, the care home had “failed to take all reasonable steps to reduce risks to people.”

Inspectors were 'not always assured' accidents and incidents were reported to external organisations to share this information with them and seek appropriate advice.

Residents’ care records were not being regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they remained accurate and up to date.

However, inspectors noted that people's experiences of their care were positive and there was a “strong culture of providing kind, compassionate care”.

The report says: “All the people and their relatives we spoke with said they felt safe at the service.

“People and their relatives consistently gave positive feedback about the staff supporting them and the approach by care staff.”

The care home will now be asked to provide a report to the CQC which states the action they will take to address the breaches of regulation.