Next week Whitehaven will welcome back the summer fair which is organised by the Town Council. 

Based on the harbourside visitors can enjoy a range of activities including street theatre, continental markets, a fun fair, and photo exhibitions. 

The Harbour Commissioners and Marina projects also offer support for the summer fair. 

The event has been a huge success in recent years and the organisers explain that this fair will be the best yet. 

The mayor of Whitehaven, Chris Hayes, said: "It's going to be bigger and better than it has ever been, I'm really looking forward to it. 

"There'll be much of the same but much better than ever before and a lot more events are planned between Whitehaven and the Marina."

Gerard Richardson, who has helped the Town Council to organise the event, said: "The summer event is something that we've been building up for about three years now, it's centred around the continental markets and the visit by Taylor's Funfair. 

"On Thursday and Friday next week, we'll have street theatre and we're also hoping to host an instore photo exhibition, we've done these before in recent years and they have brought people around the town centre as well as just focus on the events around the harbourside. 

"The event itself is the biggest one that the Town Council does every year which is done in partnership with the Harbour Commissioners and the Marina projects, if it is anything like we've done in the past then thousands of people will turn out for it. 

"We've deliberately picked the first four days of the school summer holidays so weather permitting I think it's going to be a cracking event and I'd urge everyone to come down.

"I'd also like to put a call out to any businesses with a shop window presence on the high street to come forward and let us know, we're trying to build up a list of businesses at the moment."