ONE WHITEHAVEN couple have raised thousands to help families at Christmas during the cost of living crisis, buying everything from presents to food vouchers.

Carl Walmsley, a member of the town council, and his wife Louise have run numerous projects all year round on the Mirehouse estate for seven years now including their Christmas project.

During the first few years of the project, Carl and Louise collected good-as-new toys off residents and cleaned them up. They then gifted them out to families who struggle through this expensive time of year.

Over the years, the project grew and the duo were able to start getting brand new toys and money donations.

This year, following the straints of the cost of living crisis, there was no doubt the project would run again this year. So far, the project has received a very impressive £6,965 in donations.

Carl said: "The amount we have raised has been amazing especially through the cost of living crisis we have all found ourselves in.

"The demand this year has been understandably high.

"We have has some very generous donations this year from companies and individuals including a massive £4,000 from NWS. I don't think they realise deep down how many people they have provided a Christmas for this year."