Gemma Dinsdale is more than a town councillor - she is someone who appears to genuinely care for her constituents.

From organising scary scarecrows to supporting local businesses, Gemma will do her best to support the people around her.

First the scarecrows: During lockdown trick and treat was discouraged at Halloween.

So instead, Gemma started "fright light," encouraging residents of Corkickle to build scarecrows that people could look at and enjoy without the contact that was banned.

But possibly one of her best "mall ideas" had an impact that even surprised her.

"Right at the beginning of the lockdown small businesses were worried. They were not sure what they were doing or how they would manage" ,Gemma said..”

So she sat down and created a social media page Small Businesses in Copeland.

The site took off. Not only were businesses able to advertise that they were still open or offering online or delivery services but they also began pointing customers in the direction of other businesses offering the same services.

The group then grew to including small businesses from outside the area operating in Copeland.

"In the end we sere able to offer support and even help with mental health issues for those affected by the lockdown.

"The page has become a vehicle for businesses and customer."

She said as businesses reopened, the group is already starting to share advice on how to prepare for that, offering help and sharing ideas with other small businesses.

Gemma was returned as an independent councillor on the Copeland and Whitehaven town councils.representing Corkickle North.

She is passionately against hugely controversial changes to the town cemetery. Copeland council proposed to stop mementoes being placed on graves to make it easier to maintenance.

While she will continue to speak out for the people she represents, Gemma is also aware of the personal cost.

When she became administrator for asocial media forum where people with mental health issues could share anonymously, she herself was trolled - even receiving death threats.

She admits that some of the threats against her were frightening, but this 25-year-old councillor will not let it get her down. She is working for 'here' people and will continue to do so.
