CLEATOR Moor Marathon man Gary McKee has now less than 200 marathons to complete - as he continues his epic challenge.

The athlete is now over half way through his 365 marathons in 365 day challenge, to raise £1million for Hospic at Home West Cumbria and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Speaking to the Whitehaven News, he said: "Week 24 half way through. I’ve had more new runners and riders this week and I now have less than 200 marathons to compete.

"I’m also going into two more schools to run with the pupils.

"Last week I ran with all the pupils from Monkwray school and everyone done really well. As usual Elwyn was there to capture the moment.

"I hope in years to come the pupils can look back at photos and say ‘remember when we ran with marathon man’.

"We haven’t had a very warm year so far which is a bit of a blessing for me running as it’s much more difficult running in the heat. When it does get warmer it’ll be ice cream at Bills Brews instead of tea and coffee.

"Still time to join me for a mile or a marathon."

READ MORE: Marathon man set for his 'biggest challenge' yet