Today, Friday, May 27, Whitehaven Town Council will be hosting Traders Markets in St. Nicholas' Gardens. 

The gardens will be the first of their kind to happen this year and will kick off a range of activities organised around Whitehaven by the town council. 

The markets will be held in the church gardens from 10am until 3pm. 

We spoke to local business owner Gerard Richardson to find out more. 

READ MORE: Food producers wanted for Cumbrian Traders Market in Whitehaven

Mr Richardson said: "It's a continuation of our Trader's Markets which we've been doing for three years now. 

"There's a limted number this year because of the extra events in our calender for the Platinum Jubilee. 

"The marquee on the left hand side is staying in place right through until the Jubilee. 

"On Monday, May 30, a number of volunteers will be heading to the marquee to set up the Jubilee exhibtion which should be ready by around midday for the public to enjoy. 

"The market on Friday also has a lot for people to enjoy there will be the popular cheese stalls and also Haverigg Smokery will have a stall there. 

"The smokery teaches inmates from Haverigg Prison to smoke meats and fish as part of experience to use when they return from their sentence. 

"There's a lot of lovely stall that are going to be on offer. This is he first event of the year that the town council and I have organised."

Because of the popularity of the Leyland Bus event which we held on the harbourside, a static Leyland Bus will be brought back into the town for a few hours. 

READ MORE: Bank holiday Leyland heritage bus exhibition to take place in Whitehaven

A date is set to be announced for the bus coming to Whitehaven for the Jubilee weekend. Then during the afternoon it will be doing runs around the town centre which will be free of charge. 

The market will be followed by a photography exhibtion next week. Then a Science Show and an Antiques Market on June 23 and June 24 respectfully. 

There will also be other traders markets later in the year.