PLANS are awaiting approval to convert an agricultural storage unit into a business for car repairs and servicing.

The change of use planning application has been submitted to Copeland Borough Council for approval and involves an agricultural storage unit on Newmill Farm.

Supporting statements prepared by the applicant said: “The farm no longer has use for the building for farming purposes and rented the building out to a local car mechanic to carry out general servicing and repairs of cars and small vans.

“This brings back into use a redundant building and provides a local employment opportunity. It also caters for the service and repair of the farm vehicles without having to leave the farm.”

The applicant, Mr Haile has said that the existing access to the farm in Ponsonby is suitable to serve the farm and the new car repair business planned there.

The change of use application for the 300 square metre site does not require any building works or changes of appearance.

Operating hours for the business will be from Monday to Saturday 8am until 6pm.

Eight parking spaces are already in place at the site and the application involves no change. The number of full time employees at the farm will also remain the same.

John Reed is handling the application as the agent and the plan does not involve any designated sites, important habitats or other biodiversity features.

There are no protected or priority species in the area or features of geological conservations importance.

Any trade waste such as engine oil will be collected and disposed of commercially.

The public can view and comment on all applications submitted to Copeland Borough Council for approval.

The planning panel takes all comments of support or objection on plans into account when giving their verdict.

To view applications submitted for your area, visit: