EVERY SCHOOLBOY'S dream of becoming the driver of a steam train has come true for one man, whose passion for heritage railways has seen him volunteer for many years on the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway.

Christopher Glover, who has been involved in the attraction '"almost since he was born" volunteered for many years on the railway, and latterly he has been employed as visitor services assistant and driver of diesel trains.

Christopher has worked on the railway over the past 18 months as one of the attractions 'Covid Champions'.

He has been helping passengers at Ravenglass station – a job which the railway praised him for because of his hard work and diligence.

Speaking about his new role, Christopher said: “Driving the steam locos on the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway has been a dream of mine since for as long as I can remember, and now that dream has come true it feels a bit unreal.

"I am absolutely delighted, and if I could tell my four-year-old self that he would be doing this one day, he would uncontrollable with excitement.”

Christopher received the details on a 'RANDER board' for his first trip in charge of a steam train from general manager operations, Martin Cookman last Thursday, October 21, to the delight of everyone at the railway

He gained his qualifications after completing his training under the watchful eyes of driver Keith and foreman David.

Stuart Ross, general manager at the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway, said: “We are always very proud when our staff, who are a combination of paid and voluntary people, are able to progress with their training and reach another level.

"Better still when it is someone who is both young and achieving a life goal.

"The future of the heritage railways depends on the younger generations coming forward and Christopher is someone we have been able to encourage and develop on this route.”

The Ravenglass and Eskdale railway is affectionately known to many as the Lal Ratty.

The popular Lake District attraction employs a number of steam locomotive drivers to run their fleet of trains. Christopher will now join this team.