A MILLOM mother who has dedicated her time to ‘helping her community, especially those in need’ has been praised for her efforts.

Angela Dixon, who is the CEO of Millom Network Centre, has spent time during the pandemic giving support to those who need it the most in the town.

When the pandemic hit, Angela and her team provided a meals on wheels services to older residents of the town — something which has now been running for 12 months.

The centre also provides a once-a-week ‘retreat cafe’ for people with dementia which Angela says has been amazing.

As well as this, she has created a food pantry within the town, providing produce to the people of Millom right through coronavirus.

The Millom Network Centre also provides furniture, clothes and toys that have been donated by members of the community to vulnerable people and families.

When asked why she does, what she does Angela said: "When I was young I had eight kids and I didn’t get any help off anybody.

"I was just left to fend for myself, but there is more need in the community now and there was no one there filling the gaps and no one knew the right channels to go through for help, but if someone comes here they walk through the door and we always make sure that they are sorted out before they leave.

“It’s just nice to see the relief on people’s faces when they know someone is going to help them we don’t turn anyone away."

When asked about the aspiration for the community centre in the future, Angela said: “It’s to give Millom what it deserves. It’s always been 'it’s only Millom it doesn’t matter'. Well it does matter to the people that live here because everything that’s needed here you have to travel for."

Julie Wedgwood, of the Rural Regeneration Unit, said: “Angela is a true inspiration to everyone she meets and works tirelessly often seven days a week to help her community especially those in need. Acting as a mother figure, guiding and helping not only her own eight kids and their families, but many others when they need a friend and someone to be on their side.”

Angela thanked the team at the centre, as well as the Around the Coombe group and the people of Millom for their support.