This week Whitehaven will see the return of one of it’s most beloved attractions.

The Continental Markets will becoming to Whitehaven Harbour from Friday 10th September until Sunday 12th.

This is one of many similar events being held this year that have been organised by the Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners.

A spokesperson from Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners said: "We think it is a brilliant event that received excellent footfall and feedback when it was here earlier this year.

"There is a real benefit as the market attracts new visitors to the town from far and wide and it creates a great atmosphere and buzz down at the Harbour and around the town for our communities.

"It’s important for Whitehaven to be staging events and for it to become a real destination place for locals and tourism alike."

The market will include stalls that have proved popular with visitors in the past.

People can browse items like Dutch flowers and garden furniture.

They can also enjoy the exotic foods on offer like paella and a selection of cheeses.

It offers a great way for you and your family to come and enjoy a day on the harbour whilst supporting small, independent, micro businesses.

Similar events are also being held later in the month in St Nicholas’ gardens.

The Continental Markets are part the Harbour Commissioners plans to bring more people to the harbour.

Lots of investment is being put into place with the support of local businesses and Sellafield.

Including funding for key parts of the harbour like the lighthouses and Crows Nest.