Permission has been granted for the building of a housing estate in Carlisle.

Carlisle City Council gave plans for 10 new dwellings the green light on August 17.The plans outline a vision the homes to be single storey 3-bedroom bungalows.

Some of the bungalows will have different specifications, all of which have been passed.

The application has been advertised by means of site and press notices as well as notification letters sent to 98 neighbouring properties.

In response 11 letters of support, 4 letters of objection and 2 letters of comment were received. by the council. In addition, a letter of support has also been received from Cllr Mrs Mallinson.

Some objections were received following the submission of the plans.

In summary, according to the final recommendations report, it has been raised that "this is another case of using up greenfield land unnecessarily when there is ample brownfield land available in the city; Carlisle has a large stock of unoccupied housing."

The letters of support did, however, make the following points: "Support the proposal for ten 3-bedroom bungalows - there is a lack of bungalows and the need for them is increasing;- bungalows are often associated with housing for the elderly.

"The building of bungalows therefore helps to meet Local Plan policy HO1 which says 'planning for a range of housing types (including for the elderly) will enable more balanced communities with a mix of people creating opportunities for better neighbourhoods'."

They added: "For once a local developer is providing bungalows to help meet this need which has for so long been ignored by large developers and failed to receive encouragement by the City Council; - the original application for the erection of 19 houses was far too many houses for the size of the land.

"However the prospect of ten bungalows on the piece of land is far more acceptable, enabling much more space for each dwelling and the ability to park three cars on each drive.

The plans can be viewed in more detail on

Please use the reference: 21/0406.