An amateur football team have held presentation nights over the past week to celebrate the outstanding achievements of their youth teams.

Whitehaven Miners held the events to mark the end of the season for three of the teams with children ranging from six to eight years old.

Lee Coan, the Coach and Vice Chairman said: "The teams have played brilliantly and its been a massive learning curve for them.

"It was nice to be able to come together and celebrate they're all loving life at Whitehaven Miners."

This was the children's first ever presentation after last year's event was delayed due to coronavirus.

Around twenty five of the children were able to attend but forty play for the teams in total.

The under 6's team are too young to play competitively but have been putting in hard work at practice.

Yet as Lee explained they are all very excited starting their first few years playing football.

The Miners awarded them all a medal and a football for them to practice with.

Mr Coan said: "Thank you to all the parents who've helped out to organise these presentations."