THROUGHOUT lock down Egremont woman Helen Dunn was helping various people in her community.

While the restrictions have now eased a bit and people are able to get out and about more Helen's support for her community has continued.

She has worked tirelessly to support the elderly and vulnerable and encourage lots of others to help when they can.

Helen, the manager at the town's La'al Club (Egremont Catholic Club), said: "Through the pandemic I would nip to the chemist's or do some shopping for folk, people that were shielding."

Along with neighbour Hazel Graham she also created 18 hampers for struggling families at a local school.

She discovered that people were really keen to help when they could and so Helen set up a community action group. She was supported by town councillor Michelle Denwood and Robert Wright.

The group, A La'al Bit of Egremont, welcomes a whole range of donations.

"Acts of kindness in our community, however small, can make a world of difference to our local friends and members," said Helen.

"Food donations, errands, school uniforms and festive gifts for isolated people are examples of the support we are looking to offer."

The response has been fantastic.

"I usually do Christmas shoe boxes with a group of people," said Helen.

"But this year we wanted to give something back to our town. Perhaps helping people that have lost their jobs or are struggling.

"We have had huge donations - from town businesses and many folk. The kindness of people has been unbelievable."

While Helen and others have been working hard behind the scenes, she modestly says it is the town which should be praised. "Egremont has absolutely pulled together as a community. People are donating school uniforms, food, presents, others are litter picking. The town council has done an awful lot too."

Wendy Lindsay nominated Helen. "She has been amazing all through lock down and is carrying it on getting Christmas sorted for the lonely and vulnerable. She's an amazing lady," she said.