MANY people entering into the Brexit debate through your pages and those of national publications as well as TV and radio stations simply don't understand the word democracy.

To believe a one-off referendum is the only vote we can possibly accept ignores two previous referenda when the majorities for entering, and remaining in, Europe were much greater than the 2015 vote to leave.

Democracy, to function, must regularly review the ‘will of the people’ - that’s why there are regular general elections.

Since the 2015 referendum upwards of a million old voters will have died and a similar number of younger people will have become eligible to vote. This change in the voting structure could well prove terminal for a new vote leave campaign.

Perhaps this is why leave campaigners are so vehement in their opposition to a second people’s vote. They are scared it might democratically overturn their cherished plot to exit Europe.

Bob Brockbank, via email