MOST of us pile on a few pounds over the festive period, but Cleator Moor’s “Mr Sleek” is celebrating a dramatic weight loss milestone.

Justin Garner, 20, of Priory Drive, lost a life-changing 100lb, over seven stone, seven months after anxiously joining Slimming World.

The Sellafield worker was 34 stone in April last year and now weighs 26-and-a-half stone.

“I had never felt so nervous,” admitted Justin after joining the group. “I wasn’t sure how people would react to me as I am quite a large male and thought only women went there.

“I stayed outside for about 15 minutes before I had the courage to walk through the doors.

“I am so glad I did as I had nothing to worry about as the group was friendly and helped me get over these fears.”

Justin said that he was very shy and nervous of speaking in front of everyone during the Cleator Moor group’s sessions to begin with.

“Now, I join in and help others,” said Justin. “Over the weeks my confidence grew as the group were very supportive towards each other.

“Soon the weight started to drop off and I really enjoyed the meals I was eating and adapting the food I enjoy to lean healthy man sized meals.”

Recently Justin was voted the group’s “Mr Sleek” which he said showed that other people noticed the difference in him and were inspired by his weight loss.

“My health has improved loads since losing weight and I even have more energy meaning I can now go out on bike rides which I would never have done before.”

Justin has now lost 10 inches from his waistline so far and said he is looking forward to losing more weight in the future.

Anne Nicholson who runs the Slimming World group that Justin attends, said: “Justin is an amazing young man and proof that men can benefit from getting support to eat more healthily and become more active just as much as women.

“He’s a real inspiration. I just hope that when other men read his story they’ll feel more comfortable about joining a Slimming World group, especially now they know they won’t be the only man there and that they’re likely to do really well.”

Anne said that the nation’s obesity crisis is a health time bomb and that more men are overweight than women.

The Cleator Moor Slimming World group is held every Tuesday at Civic Hall at 7pm.

Anyone interested in joining the group can pop along or for more information they can call Anne on 07841399464.